Skyrim Platform

Skyrim Platform is a modding tool for Skyrim allowing writing scripts with JavaScript/TypeScript. One of the mods built on Skyrim Platform is skymp client. Yes, client of Skyrim Multiplayer is technically a mod for Skyrim Special Edition implemented using Skyrim Platform.

Papyrus types from the original game

  • All types in SkyrimPlatform have the same name as in Papyrus, for example: Game,Actor, Form,Spell, Perk, etc.

  • To use types from Papyrus, including calling methods and static functions that they have, they need to be imported:

    import { Game, Actor } from "../skyrimPlatform";

Native functions

  • Most types have a list of native functions, they are divided into static functions (Native Global in Papyrus) and methods (Native).

  • Static functions are called on the type:

    let sunX = Game.GetSunPositionX();
    let pl = Game.GetPlayer();
  • Methods are called on the object:

    let isPlayerInCombat = pl.isInCombat();
  • A list of original game types with documentation can be found here:

  • Calling functions from the original game is only available inside the update event handler (see below). If you try to do this in a different context, an exception will be thrown.


  • Form (Form) is inherited by most game types, which have methods such asActor, Weapon, etc.

  • Each form has an ID, which is a 32-bit unsigned number (uint32_t). In SkyrimPlatform, represented by the type number.

  • If you need to find a form by its ID, use Game.getFormEx. Note that it is Game.getFormEx, notGame.getForm. The latter always returns null for IDs above 0x80000000 (the behavior of the original game).

  • You can get the form ID using the getFormID method. It is guaranteed that Game.getFormEx will find the form by the ID returned by this method if the form was not destroyed by the game.

Safe use of objects

  • After you get the object, you need to make sure that it is not null:

    let actor = Game.findClosestActor(x, y, z, radius);
    if (actor) {
      let isInCombat = actor.isInCombat();


    let actor = Game.findClosestActor(x, y, z, radius);
    if (!actor) return;
    let isInCombat = actor.isInCombat();
  • It is guaranteed that Game.getPlayer never returnsnull.

Unhandled exceptions

  • Unhandled JS exceptions will be logged to the console along with the call stack.

  • Raw Promise rejections are also output to the console.

  • Do not release plugins that have known bugs that are not handled. SkyrimPlatform performance is not guaranteed with unhandled exceptions.

Object comparison

  • To compare objects in SkyrimPlatform, you need to compare their IDs:

    if (object1.getFormId() === object2.getFormId()) {
      // ...

Casting objects to string

  • Types ported from Papyrus have limited support for a number of operations normal for regular JS objects such as toString,toJSON.

    Game.getPlayer().ToString(); // '[object Actor]'
    JSON.stringify(Game.getPlayer()); // `{}`


  • If you have a Form object that is a weapon, and you need aWeapon object, you can use casting:

    let sword = Game.getFormEx(swordId); // Get Form
    let weapon = Weapon.from(sword); // Cast to Weapon
  • If you specify an ID for a form that is not actually a weapon, the weapon variable will benull.

  • Passing null to the function for casting types as an argument will not throw an exception, but will returnnull:

    ObjectReference.from(null); // null
  • An attempt to cast to a type that has no instances or is incompatible in the inheritance hierarchy will also return null:

    Game.from(Game.getPlayer()); // null
    Spell.from(Game.getPlayer()); // null
  • You can also use typecasting to get an object of the base type, including Form:

    let refr = ObjectReference.from(Game.getPlayer());
    let form = Form.from(refr);
  • Casting an object to its own type will return the original object:

    let actor = Actor.from(Game.getPlayer());

Papyrus types added by SkyrimPlatform

  • SkyrimPlatform currently only adds one type: TESModPlatform. Instances of this type do not exist by analogy with Game. Its static functions are listed below.

  • moveRefrToPosition - teleports the object to the specified location and position.

  • setWeaponDrawnMode - forces the actor to always keep the weapon drawn / removed.

  • getNthVtableElement - gets the offset of the function from the virtual table (for reverse engineering).

  • getSkinColor - gets the skin color of the ActorBase.

  • createNpc - creates a new form of type ActorBase.

  • setNpcSex - changes the gender of the ActorBase.

  • setNpcRace - changes the race of the ActorBase.

  • setNpcSkinColor - changes the skin color of the ActorBase.

  • setNpcHairColor - changes the hair color of the ActorBase.

  • resizeHeadpartsArray - resizes the array of head parts ActorBase.

  • resizeTintsArray - resizes the main character's TintMasks array.

  • setFormIdUnsafe - changes the form ID. Unsafe, use at your own risk.

  • clearTintMasks - remove TintMasks for the given Actor or the Player Character if the Actor is not passed.

  • pushTintMask - add TintMask with def. parameters for the given Actor or the Player Character, if Actor is not passed.

  • pushWornState,addItemEx - add / remove items from def. ExtraData.

  • updateEquipment - update equipment (unstable).

  • resetContainer - clear the base container.


  • Some game functions take time and happen in the background. Such functions in SkyrimPlatform return Promise:

      .SetPosition(0, 0, 0)
      .then(() => {
        printConsole("Teleported to the center of the world");
    Utility.wait(1).then(() => printConsole("1 second passed"));
  • When called asynchronously, execution continues immediately:

    printConsole(`Will be displayed immediately, not after a second`);
    printConsole(`Should have used then`);
  • You can use async /await to make the code look synchronous:

    let f = async () => {
      await Utility.wait(1);
      printConsole("1 second passed");


  • At the moment, SkyrimPlatform has the ability to subscribe to your own events: update andtick.

  • update is an event that is called once for every frame in the game (60 times per second at 60 FPS) after you've loaded a save or started a new game.

    import { on } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    on("update", () => {
      // At this stage, the methods of all imported
      // types are already available.
  • tick is an event that is called once for every frame in the game immediately after the game starts.

    import { on } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    on("tick", () => {
      // No access to game methods here.
  • And also for game events such as effectStart,effectFinish, magicEffectApply,equip, unequip,hit, containerChanged,deathStart, deathEnd,loadGame, combatState, reset,scriptInit, trackedStats,uniqueIdChange, switchRaceComplete,cellFullyLoaded, grabRelease,lockChanged, moveAttachDetach,objectLoaded, waitStop,activate ...

  • With on, you can subscribe to the event forever.

    import { on } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    on("equip", (event) => {
      printConsole(`actor: ${}`);
      printConsole(`object: ${event.baseObj.getName()}`);
  • Using once, you can add a handler that will be called once the next time the event is fired.

    import { once } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    once("equip", (event) => {
      printConsole(`actor: ${}`);
      printConsole(`object: ${event.baseObj.getName()}`);
  • The variable even always contains variables related to the event to which you are subscribed.


  • Hooks allow you to intercept the start and end of some functions of the game engine.

  • Currently supported hooks: sendAnimationEvent

    import { hooks, printConsole } from  "../skyrimPlatform"
        enter(ctx) {
        leave(ctx) {
            if (ctx.animationSucceeded) printConsole(ctx.selfId);
  • enter is called before starting the function. ctx contains the arguments passed to the function and alsostorage (see below).

  • leave is called before the function ends. ctx contains the return value of the function, in addition to what was after the completion ofenter.

  • ctx is the same object for calls toenter and leave.

  • is used to store data between calls toenter and leave.

  • Script functions are not available inside the enter andleave handlers.

Custom SkyrimPlatform Methods and Properties

  • There are methods such as printConsole () that can be called immediately after import. They do not belong to any of the game types.

  • printConsole (... arguments: any []): void - output to the game console, opened by the ~ key.

    import { printConsole, Game } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    on("update", () => {
      printConsole(`player id = ${Game.getPlayer().getFormID()}`);
  • worldPointToScreenPoint - convert an array of points in the game world to an array of points on the user's screen. The dot on the screen is indicated by 3 numbers from -1 to 1.

  • on (eventName: string, callback: any): void - subscribe to an event namedeventName.

  • callNative (className: string, functionName: string, self ?: object, ... args: any): any - call a function from the original game by name.

  • getJsMemoryUsage (): number - get the amount of RAM used by the embedded JS engine, in bytes.

  • storage - an object used to save data between reloading scripts.

  • browser is an object providing access to the Chromium Embedded Framework.

  • getExtraContainerChanges - get ExtraContainerChanges of the given ObjectReference...

  • getContainer - get all the items of the base container.

  • settings - an object that provides access to plugin settings:

    import { settings, printConsole } from "../skyrimPlatform";
    let option = settings["plugin-name"]["my-option"];

    The plugin settings file is named plugin-settings.txt and should be located in theData / Platform / Plugins folder. File format - JSON, extension .txt - for the convenience of users.

Changing game console commands

  • SkyrimPlatform allows you to change the implementation of any game console command, for such a modification you need to get the console command object by passing the command name to the findConsoleCommand (commandName) method, short or long.

    let getAV = findConsoleCommand("GetActorValueInfo");
    let getAV = findConsoleCommand("GetAVInfo");
  • Having received such an object, you can change the short (shortName) or long (longName) command name, as well as the number of accepted arguments (numArgs) and the function (execute) that will be executed when this console command is called via game console.

    getAV.longName = "printArg";
    getAV.shortName = "";
    getAV.execute = (refrId: number, arg: string) => {
      return false;
  • The return value of your new implementation indicates whether the original function of this command will be executed.

  • The first argument is the FormId of the object on which the console command is called, or 0 if it is absent.

  • The rest of the parameters will be the arguments with which the console command was called, of type string ornumber.

  • Since game functions are not available in this context, you must register an update event handler withonce if you want to call a game function when you invoke a console command:

getAV.longName = "ShowMessageBox";
getAV.shortName = "";

getAV.execute = (refrId: number, arg: string) => {
  once("update", () => {
  return false;

HTTP requests (experimental)

SkyrimPlatform provides limited support for HTTP requests. At the moment only get is available.

import { HttpClient } from "../skyrimPlatfosrm";
let http = new HttpClient("", 80);
http.get("/").then((response) => printConsole(response.body));
  • In case the request fails, response.body will be empty.

Hot Reload

  • Hot Reload for SkyrimPlatform plugins is supported. Changing the contents of Data / Platform / Plugins will reload all plugins without restarting the game.

  • For full use, these are features, i.e. reload your plugin with Ctrl + S, take the example plugin as a basis

  • When reloading plugins, the added event and hook handlers are removed, asynchronous operations are interrupted and all variables are reset, except for storage and its properties.


  • SkyrimPlatform has built-in functionality that allows you to output information about game functions to the file Data / Platform / Output / DumpFunctions.txt (key combination 9 + O + L). The game pauses for a few seconds while DumpFunctions is running.

Last updated