Server declares mp global variable that gives access to the whole API. This page contains the list of mp object methods available to use in scripts.
Creates a new property that would be attached to all instances of MpActor and MpObjectReference. Values are saved to database automatically. See Properties System for more information.
/* Definition */
interface MakePropertyOptions {
// If set to false, `updateOwner` would never be invoked
// Player's client wouldn't see it's own value of this property
// Reasonable for passwords and other secret values
isVisibleByOwner: boolean;
// If set to false, `updateNeighbor` would never be invoked
// Player's client wouldn't see values of neighbor Actors/ObjectReferences
isVisibleByNeighbors: boolean;
// Body of functions that would be invoked on client every update.
updateOwner: string; // For the PlayerCharacter
updateNeighbor: string; // For each synchronized Actor/ObjectReference
interface Mp {
// ...
makeProperty(propertyName: string, options: MakePropertyOptions): void;
// ...
/* Usage */
mp.makeProperty("playerLevel", {
isVisibleByOwner: true,
isVisibleByNeighbors: false,
updateOwner: "ctx.sp.Game.setPlayerLevel(ctx.value)"
updateNeighbor: ""
Creates a new event source allowing you to catch specific game situations and pass them to a server as events. See Events System for more information.