Database Drivers

Skyrim Multiplayer mimics the original game behavior, so unlike many multiplayer mods in other games, it stores world and players data automatically.

This page describes the differences between database drivers and their functionality.


Skyrim Multiplayer uses file driver by default. Default databaseName is world. So if you change nothing in the config file, the server would save all data using world subdirectory of the server folder. Only relative paths are supported.

  // ...
  "databaseDriver": "file",
  "databaseName": "world"
  // ...


Uses MongoDB to store data. Built for servers targeting real-world players from the Internet, not testers or a couple of your friends you play in coop with.

databaseUri is a mongo URI used to connect to a remote MongoDB instance.

We recommend MongoDB Atlas as a cloud database service.

  // ...
  "databaseDriver": "mongodb",
  "databaseName": "db",
  "databaseUri": "mongodb://<user>:<pass>,,<dbname>?ssl=true&replicaSet=atlas-a16dc0-shard-0&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority"
  // ...


A special database driver is used to move from one type of database to another on the fly. Do not forget to backup everything before using this.

  // ...
  "databaseDriver": "migration",
  "databaseOld": {
    "databaseDriver": "sqlite",
    "databaseName": "world.sqlite"
  "databaseNew": {
    "databaseDriver": "mongodb"
    // ...
  // ...

Last updated